Adventures of the Supersons #2, Writer: Peter Tomasi, Artist: Carlo Barberi

Tomasi understands how to write young heroes in a very engaging manner and has shown this over the years which makes this title is very suited to him. I love the dynamic that exists between this Robin and Superboy very much and this is all the good work of Tomasi.
This new 12 issue limited series should hopefully showcase this new duo very well. This particular issue contains young versions of well established DC characters and while entertaining i hope this will not be the case for the whole run! Oh and I must say the art is an absolute joy, i have always preferred bright and clear lines and this has it in spades and also matches the “youngish” tone of the comic itself
A good nice romp, easy read.
Naija Geek Says: An enjoyable 6/10
Justice League #7, Writer: Scott Synder, Artist: Jim Cheung

I have to say that this and please don’t lynch me for this but I am not really enjoying Synders run on this book so far at all!
This issue is another entry which is just full of big ideas, grand concepts but does not really hold together or even make much sense.
It constantly feels to me like Synder is trying too hard to write like Grant Morrison and is just failing badly.
The sad part is that art is absolutely impeccable, Cheung is bossing it here and deserves a lot more than this over written rubbish. The whole story is just boring me to death.
Even the dialogue between the league members does not even ring true to their characters at ll, there is some forced banter here that is just cringeworthy. Who is editing this book?
What is the issue about? Some hidden unknown secret about Earth is about to be revealed, the heroes have to stop the Legion of Doom from learning this secret and gaining untold power blah blah. I am really struggling with this book and it shows in the fact I can’t even summarise it better.
The last splash page features a character that was created recently by Synder as part of the terrible Dark Metal event and it just made me groan even more.
A gorgeous book but let down by a script that is over blown and over scripted, my score is almost all due the great art.
Naija Geek Says: A big disappointing 4.5/10
Batman #54, Writer: Tom King, Artist: Matt Wagner

Welcome to another trip down memory lane issue, yep this is all about Nightwing reminding Batman of the lessons he imparted to him as a kid in the hope it will jog Bats out of his being dumped wedding blues.
This is absolutely an issue that you could skip and not miss a beat at all, the art of Wagner services the need of the tale but it is nothing special as well.
Even the banter in this issue I found very lame and the lessons being learned do not even pack much of a punch, This whole issue can be described this way!
I have enjoyed the previous issues a lot more than this and can’t wait to get back to the current narrative
Naija Geek Says: A total meh 5/10
The Dreaming #1, Writer: Simon Spurrier, Artist: Bilquis Evely

This book is a kind of sequel to one of the best comic books ever written, The Sandman.
I will not start waxing lyrical about the Sandman series in this review beyond saying that it is a great comic and also a great piece of literature full stop and everyone should at least try to read it.
All of which means that Spurrier has his work cut out for him with this new series.
This takes place as the title shows in the Dreaming and like the original series the Lord of the land is missing and this book shows us how it affects the land and the many diverse characters that inhabit it.
It is a good solid start and I hope that Spurrier can surprise me and go on and craft a worthy successor to the Sandman.
The art is also very nice and conveys that illusive dreamlike quality that is absolutely needed for this type of book.
The original series started slowly and just got better and i hope this will be the case here as well.
Naija Geek Says: A good start 7/10
Source: DC